Search results: weighted

WLAN1004A AP French

Grade 11-12. Weighted grade.

AP French focuses on expanding the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing by exploring a variety of contemporary and classic topics utilizing authentic resources.  Grammar and structure are also reviewed.  The six overarching themes from the College Board are addressed in a variety of units.  A selection of activities will be required during the summer preceding the course.  Students who successfully complete this course and the AP French Language examination may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college.

WLAN1004H Honors French 4

Grade 11-12. Weighted grade.

Honors French 4 focuses on expanding the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  The students enrich their vocabulary through a variety of media and cultural units utilizing authentic resources.  The class is facilitated primarily in French.

WLAN4004H Honors Chinese 4

Grade 11-12. Weighted grade.

Honors Chinese 4 focuses on expanding the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  The students enrich their vocabulary through a variety of media and cultural units utilizing authentic resources.  The class is facilitated primarily in Chinese.  This course is designed for non-native/non-heritage students; simplified characters are taught.

PLTW2004 PLTW Capstone

Grade 12. Year-long. Prerequisites include a minimum completion of IED or POE, one additional PLTW course.   Weighted grade.

In this capstone course, students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process. Students perform research to choose, validate, and justify a technical problem. After carefully defining the problem, teams design, build, and test their solutions while working closely with industry professionals who provide mentoring opportunities. Finally, student teams present and defend their original solution to an outside panel. A lab fee will be charged.

PLTW2003 Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA)

Grade 10-12. Year-long. Prerequisite is IED, POE, or Drafting and Design. Weighted grade.

The major focus of this course is completing long-term civil engineering and architecture projects that involve the development of property sites that involve applying what they learn to the design and development of a property. The course provides teachers and students freedom to develop the property to simulate the experiences of civil engineers and architects. Students work in teams, exploring hands-on activities and projects to learn the characteristics of civil engineering and architecture. In addition, students use 3D design software to design solutions to major course projects. Students learn to document their project, solving problems and communicating their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community of civil engineering and architecture. A lab fee will be charged.

PLTW2001 Principles OF Engineering (POE)

Grades 10-12. Year long. Prerequisite is appropriate grade-level math and science. Weighted grade.

This survey course of engineering exposes students to some of the major concepts they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Students investigate engineering and high-tech careers and develop skills and understanding of course concepts. Students employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. Students learn to document their work and communicate their solutions to peers and members of the professional community. A lab fee will be charged.

PLTW2000 Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)

Grades 9-12. Year-long. Prerequisite is Algebra 1, enrolled concurrently in Geometry and the appropriate grade level science. Weighted grade.

In this course, students use 3D solid modeling design software to design solutions to proposed problems. Students will learn to document their work and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards and technical documentation. A lab fee will be charged.

SOCS3017A AP Psychology

Grade 11-12. Year-Long. Weighted grade.

This full year course is designed to understand and apply the principles of Psychology, scientific research, and individual behavior.  The course will prepare students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to that of a psychology researcher through a variety of psychological perspectives.  The content will focus on history and approaches, advanced experimental design, biological functioning, sensation and perception, learning and behaviorism, motivation and emotion, testing and individual differences, developmental psychology, personality, psychological disorders and their treatments, and social psychology.  Intensive reading and writing in the field of psychology will be a major focus, as will hands-on research and experimentation, with an emphasis on applying psychological concepts to daily life.  Students who successfully complete this course and the AP Psychology examination may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college.

SOCS3015A AP European History

Grade 10-12. Year-long. Weighted grade. Prerequisite is prior completion of a Social Studies course.

The purpose of this full-year elective is to give students an opportunity to explore in-depth themes of modern European history from the High Renaissance to the recent past. Students who are particularly interested in a more in-depth approach, developing an understanding of the importance of analyzing historical documents, and expressing this understanding in writing would benefit from this course. If students plan to take both AP European and AP US History, it is recommended they take AP European first as a sophomore.  Students who successfully complete this course and the AP European History examination may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college.

SOCS3014A AP Government and Politics

Grade 11-12. Year-long. Weighted grade. Prerequisite is an American History course.

This introductory college-level course provides students with conceptual tools necessary to develop an understanding of the world’s diverse political structure and practices. With a focus on American government and politics during the first semester and comparative governmental systems during the second semester, the course encompasses the study of specific countries, their governments, and their political climates.  This course satisfies federal, state mandates, including Civics Education and district graduation requirements. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to take both the AP U.S. Government and AP Comparative Government exams and may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college.