Grade 10-12. One semester. Prerequisite is Creative Writing 1
This course counts toward graduation as general electives, but NOT as fulfillment of the four-year English graduation requirement.
This course significantly extends the writing experiences introduced in Creative Writing 1 Its primary focus will be on poetry and short story writing. Students will create a portfolio for both poetry and short stories and will submit some of their work for publication.
Grade 9-12. One semester. Prerequisite is Theatre Arts 1
This course counts toward graduation as general electives, but NOT as fulfillment of the four-year English graduation requirement.
This course builds upon concepts learned in Theatre Arts I while still centering on student participation and involvement. The focuses will be on more advanced styles of acting and more specific responsibilities inherent to the directing process, including technical aspects of theatre.
Grade 11-12.
Weighted grade. Year long. Prerequisite is two semesters of business courses from the professional, technology, or financial categories.
This capstone course provides a simulated business environment in which students create and manage a virtual company, conducting business with other virtual firms nationally and internationally. Students are involved in every aspect of running the business, including human resources, accounting, product development, production, distribution, marketing, and sales. In the simulated business environment, students belong to a specific department depending on skills, prior knowledge, and personal interest. Leadership opportunities within the firm provide further relevant experience. The program enables participants to experience careers, acquire global economic knowledge, develop interpersonal and organizational skills, utilize technology as applied in business, and gain a clear understanding of how employees work together to meet the goals of the company while at the same time conveying the professional expectations of the workplace. A materials fee will be charged.
Grade 12.
Weighted grade. Prerequisite is AP Macroeconomics.
This college-level course deals with topics pertaining to microeconomics, including the study of the market system, pricing, resource allocation, distribution, and current domestic economic problems. Students who successfully complete this course and the AP Microeconomics exam may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college. A workbook fee will be charged.
Grade 11-12.
Prerequisite is Introduction to Education.
Education 2 is a field experience course with each student spending a minimum of 40 clock-hours in a classroom setting. Coursework focuses on the development of human relations and problem-solving skills necessary for an effective classroom. Students examine various policies, procedures, and routine activities that are part of a teacher’s role. The 40 clock-hour field experience is mandatory for credit; students will provide transportation to offsite locations if needed.
Dual credit opportunity is available through this course.
This course meets in a blended attendance pattern using a dynamic, flexible schedule. For more details about blended learning follow this link.
Grade 11-12.
Year-long. Weighted grade. Prerequisite is Accounting 1.
This is an advanced course for students interested in furthering their career exploration in accounting or any business-related occupation. Study includes corporate and cost accounting for merchandising and manufacturing businesses. Management decisions through the analysis of financial statements are an integral part of the curriculum. Automated accounting using computer simulation is integrated throughout the course. Course fee includes a workbook and simulations.
This course meets in a blended attendance pattern using a dynamic, flexible schedule. For more details about blended learning follow this link.