Grade 9-10 Placement required.
The Algebra 1 units include: solving equations and inequalities, linear and exponential functions, systems of linear equations, quadratic functions, and statistics. The Math Practice Standards are the foundation of lessons, teaching students how to reason and think mathematically. A graphing calculator is required (Ti-84 or equivalent is recommended). In order to be successful, students should have a solid foundation in 7th and 8th grade math.
Grade 9-10. Placement required.
This Algebra 1 course meets daily one period in addition to the student’s 1 period Algebra 1 course. This course is designed to support student learning in Algebra 1. In addition to pre-teaching and re-teaching Algebra 1 concepts, emphasis is placed on vocabulary, study skills, and mathematical habits of mind. Students earn one Algebra 1 credit and one general elective credit; the general elective credit is pass/fail). The Algebra 1 units include: solving equations and inequalities, linear and exponential functions, systems of linear equations, quadratic functions, and statistics. Math Practice Standards are the foundation of lessons, teaching students how to reason and think mathematically. A graphing calculator is required (TI-84 or equivalent is recommended).
Grade 9-11. Placement required.
This course will place a strong emphasis on the continued study of pre-Algebra skills such as integers, order of operations, variables, expressions, and equations. Students will solve and graph equations and inequalities, write and solve proportions, explore graphing concepts and basic geometry skills. This course is not NCAA core approved.
Grade 9-10. Placement required.
This course stresses the applications of skills developed in Math 100. Practical applications used in everyday life situations will be emphasized. This course will cover pre-Algebra and some basic Geometry skills. Note-taking and study skills will be stressed. A TI-30X calculator (or equivalent) is required. This course is not NCAA core approved.
Grade 9. Placement required.
This course is designed to meet the needs of students who have experienced difficulty in learning mathematics in a traditional format. The content of this course develops basic arithmetic and computational skills using a variety of activities and group projects. This is the first course in a three-course sequence. A TI-30X calculator (or equivalent) is required. This course is not NCAA core approved.