Search results: 11

SCI2014A AP Environmental Science

Grade 10-12.  Prerequisites are Biology, Chemistry (may be taken concurrently), Algebra 2/Trig.  Weighted grade.

The goals of the AP Environmental Science course are to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world; to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and man-made; to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems; and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.  Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, embracing a wide variety of topics that include Ecology, Geology History, Sociology, Economics and Chemistry.  Field experiences may include a trip to northern Wisconsin and/or one-day trips to local prairies, streams and forests.  Students who successfully complete the course and AP examination may receive college credit and/or a higher placement in college.


SCI2018A AP Chemistry

Grade 11-12. Prerequisites are Biology, Chemistry and Algebra 2/ Trig. Weighted grade.

Advanced Placement Chemistry is a college level laboratory course dealing with advanced topics in inorganic chemistry. Students may receive college credit in Chemistry by qualifying on an examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board at the conclusion of the course. This course is weighted and emphasizes problem solving and lab experience.


SCI1005A AP Biology

Grade 10-12. Prerequisites are successful completion of Biology, Chemistry or Instructor approval. Weighted grade.

This course is a college-level laboratory course dealing with advanced topics in Biology. There are twelve mandatory laboratory experiences dealing with such topics as diffusion, osmosis, enzyme catalysis, molecular biology, and genetics. Students who successfully complete this course and the AP Biology examination may receive college credit and/or higher placement in college.


SCI2004 Anatomy and Physiology

Grade 10-12. Prerequisite is Chemistry and Biology (may be taken concurrently with Instructor approval).

This college level course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of human anatomy and physiology. Particular emphasis is placed on animal dissections to help the students learn how the human body functions. Students may apply to earn dual credit through COD.

SCI2003 Genetics (Human Genetics, Bioethics, and Biotechnology)

Grade 10-12. Prerequisites are Biology and Chemistry (may be taken concurrently).

This college level course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of genetics. Students are acquainted with not only classical patterns of inheritance but also present day findings in molecular genetics. Laboratory experiments provide active participation in demonstrating and applying the theories of genetics and biotechnology. Present day bioethics issues in biotechnology are addressed.

SCI2002 Cosmic Journey

Grade 10-12. Prerequisite is Geometry (may be taken concurrently).

Students begin their journey with the Big Bang and explore the universe through the eyes of Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and other great minds. On the journey into present day, students study the extinction of dinosaurs, the solar system, galaxies, stars, black holes, and the laws governing the universe. Many laboratory experiences and group projects, along with trips to the planetarium, are used to reinforce astronomical concepts. Each student will also construct a refracting telescope. A field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry to explore the Henry Crown Space Center and Omnimax Theatre is included.

SCI2019H Honors Physics

Grade 10-12. Prerequisites are Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra 2/Trig. – Weighted grade.

This course introduces students to the basic concepts and theories of physics. The pace and scope of this course are designed for students with a sound understanding of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. This course emphasizes problem-solving and experimentation. Honors Pre-calculus is also strongly recommended.

SCI2019 Physics

Grade 11-12. Prerequisites are Biology, Chemistry, Algebra, and Geometry.

Physics presents a practical overview of general classic and modern physics topics. In this introductory course, the emphasis will be upon laboratory investigations leading to a firm grasp of conservation of momentum, energy, and charge. The math requirement entails proficient use of algebra and geometry.

SCI2018 Chemistry

Grade 10-12. Prerequisite is Biology and concurrent enrollment in Geometry.

This course introduces the college-bound student to basic chemistry principles through lecture, laboratory, and group work. The laboratory experience emphasizes the discovery of key concepts through the analysis of student-generated data.